Islam Cendekia Cianjur

“Islami Berprestasi”

Video Profil SMA

Video Profil SMP

Our Excellences

Terakreditasi "A"

SMP Islam Cendekia | NPSN : 60728959 | Nomor Sertifikat : 1346/BAN-SM/SK/2021.

Kurikulum Merdeka

Student-Centered Learning, Project Based Learning, New Paradigm Approach.

Digital School

Penerapan pembelajaran futuristik berbasis teknologi, dengan pengelolaan mutakhir dan pengawasan yang proporsional berbasis digital responsibility.

Berwawasan Pesantren

Program khusus kepesantrenan meliputi kajian Tauhid, Tajwid, Tahfidz, Fikih, dan Bahasa Arab dengan pendekatan Ainurrahmah.

Prestasi Internasional

Setiap tahun peserta didik meraih lebih dari 100 penghargaan. Mulai dari tingkat Kabupaten, Provinsi, Nasional, hingga Internasional.

Para Pendidik Profesional

Para pendidik berpengalaman dan lulusan perguruan tinggi terakreditasi seperti ITB, UPI, UNPAD, UIN, UNIKOM, dan sebagainya.

Sekolah Sehat Nasional

Sekolah Islam Cendekia Cianjur meraih penghargaan sebagai sekolah sehat nasional.


(Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement), program kemitraan pendidikan pemerintah Australia-Indonesia.

Student's Achievements

H. Lucky Hermawan, SE

Head of Foundation

Ir. Runjai Wangsa Laksana, M.Pd.

Adviser of The Foundation

Ruddy Hendriawan, S.T.

Principal of SMA Al-Bayan Cendekia

Dindin Alawi, S.Si., M.Pd.

Principal of SMP Islam Cendekia

Andri Nasikin, M.Pd

Principal of SD Islam Cendekia

Lia Khumairoh Zulfah, S.Pd.I

Principal of TK-IT Annisa



H. Lucky Hermawan, SE
Head of Foundation

Educational Background: Bachelor degree in Economic Management of Universitas Islam Nusantara (1989). Having experience in Management since 1990 in Mercubuana Group Company (1990-1998), and Sinarmas Group Company (1998-2013). Since 2013 he has been leading Yayasan Pribadi Kamila Cianjur. The Foundation that organizes TK, SD, SMP, and SMA Islam Cendekia Cianjur.

Ir. Runjai Wangsa Pd.Laksana, M.
Adviser of The Foundation

Educational Background: Bachelor Degree on Faculty of Mining Engineering (ITB). Post Graduate on Islamic Religion Education (STAID Darussalam Ciamis). Experience:Supervisor for Executive Director at Sekolah Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Founder of Educore Indonesia. Chief of Education at Al Falah School Cirebon. Chief of RnD at Yayasan Al Kautsar 561 Tasikmalaya. Founder of SMA Miftahul Khoir Bandung, MA Salman Cirebon, SMP-SMA QSBS Al Kautsar 561 Tasikmalaya, SMP Bina Insan Boarding School Bogor, MTs Cahaya Al Quran Cirebon. Founder of Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar Sony Sugema College (SSC) Cirebon. A Trainer of Leadership and Integrated Curriculum of Qur’an and Science. Featured works: A Study of Leadership for Students of Junior and Senior High Schools


Ruddy Hendriawan, S.T.


Principal of SMA Al-Bayan Cendekia

Educational Background: Electrical Engineering (STT Telkom Bandung). Experience:

Manager at Nurul Fikri Course in Sukabumi (2005-2007), Manager of Sukabumi Cermat Institute Course (2007-2009), Physics Teacher at SMA Pesantren Unggul Al Bayan (since 2010), Deputy principal of Dormitory Affairs (2016-2024).

Achievement: T

Chair of the Sukabumi Regency High School Physics (MGMP), 3rd place in OSN Teachers in Physics National level (2011), 2nd place in OSN for subject Kebumian (2015).


Dindin Alawi, S.Si., M.Pd.
Principal of SMP Islam Cendekia

Educational Background: Applied Mathematics (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Mathematics Education (IKIP Siliwangi Bandung), Currently pursuing studies in Islamic Education Management (UIN SGD). Experience: Teaching mathematics at the level (elementary, junior high and high school) in Jabodetabek, being a branch head at several tutoring institutions (Courses). Joined SMP Islam Cendekia and Teaches Mathematics from 2015 Achievement: became supervisor of mathematics Olympiad at PCCST International Science Fair 2019 Thailand, supervisor of LKTI Global Competition for Life Science (GloCoLiS) 2023 Featured work: Character Education through the Concept of Islamic Culture and Child-Friendly Schools in SMP Islam Cendekia Cianjur, Curriculum Digitization Management in SMP Islam Cendekia Cianjur, Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum After the Covid-19 Pandemic, Nawa Cita as a Core Value of Culture-Based Character Education, Urgency of Islamic Religious Education in the National Education System.

Andri Nasikin, M.Pd
Principal of SD Islam Cendekia

Educational Background: Post graduate in Pedagogic, UPI Bandung. Experience: Teaching English for 17 years at different level (Elementary school, Junior high school, and senior high school), A Short Opportunity of Teaching Junior High School Students at Mount Barker Community College, Western Australia, and focused at SMP Islam Cendekia since 2015 up to now. Achievement: A Representative of SMP Islam Cendekia Cianjur for Austrlia BRIDGE School Program in 2019. Featured works: Pedagogical Values Development at Boarding School.

Lia Khumairoh Zulfah, S.Pd.I
Principal of TK-IT Annisa

Educational Background: Majoring in Islamic Education (STAI Al-Azhary Cianjur). ExperienceTeaching at PAUD (2004-2013), Teaching at Raudhatul Atfhal (2014-2020), Principal at Raudhatul Athfal Darurrohman (2021-2023), Principal at TK-IT ANNISA since 2023.